What does the NHRA think of the IRS? Here is there rule concerning the Corvette IRS. This is taken right out of the rule book page 19 under rear end. Note the NHRA specifies the 63-82 Corvette in the rule book.
"Must have 360-degree, minimum 1-Inch-wide by 1/4 thick axle retention loop on each axle."
Followed by.
"Cars running 10.99 (*6.99)or quicker that weigh more than 2,000 pounds with independent rear suspension without upper and lower (both) control arms must replace swing axle differential with conventional differential housing assembly (Example 1963-1982 Corvette). Cars with independent rear suspension with upper and lower (both) control arms may retain swing axle assembly regardless of weight or e. t.
My thoughts
The NHRA and IHRA both have watched many race cars run down there strips only to witness a disaster when something goes awry. They make these rules to protect the driver the fans and themselves.
The requirement of the upper and lower control arm is only part of the safety features of the Dragvette 6-Link we also include a 1/4" by 1"safety loop that runs 360 degrees around the half shaft plus a 1/2" diameter u bolt style safety loop positioned on the other end of the half shaft. Our customers have called and thanked us more than once for the built in safety of the Dragvette 6-link because it had kept them safe and protected there Corvette from extreme damage.
"Must have 360-degree, minimum 1-Inch-wide by 1/4 thick axle retention loop on each axle."
Followed by.
"Cars running 10.99 (*6.99)or quicker that weigh more than 2,000 pounds with independent rear suspension without upper and lower (both) control arms must replace swing axle differential with conventional differential housing assembly (Example 1963-1982 Corvette). Cars with independent rear suspension with upper and lower (both) control arms may retain swing axle assembly regardless of weight or e. t.
My thoughts
The NHRA and IHRA both have watched many race cars run down there strips only to witness a disaster when something goes awry. They make these rules to protect the driver the fans and themselves.
The requirement of the upper and lower control arm is only part of the safety features of the Dragvette 6-Link we also include a 1/4" by 1"safety loop that runs 360 degrees around the half shaft plus a 1/2" diameter u bolt style safety loop positioned on the other end of the half shaft. Our customers have called and thanked us more than once for the built in safety of the Dragvette 6-link because it had kept them safe and protected there Corvette from extreme damage.